



Fun With Stephanotis From SMR

(page 21)

























At Rittners Floral School in Boston, we are very much in synch with the latest trends and approaches. One very neat trend that we have been teaching in our classes is designing under water!

It gives an incredible effect and is wonderful for party and event designing.

With the wonderful stephanotis and gardenias from SMR, along with the decorative wires from Smithers-Oasis, achieving these impressive and expensive designs are easy and fun to do!!



The detail and intricacy of these designs is awesome.

I could spend all day exploring all of the little nooks and crannies! ( But I better not, or I won't get any more of this stuff posted for you to see and enjoy!)



SMR Stephanotis page one

SMR Stephanotis page two

SMR Stephanotis page three

SMR Stephanotis page four

SMR Stephanotis page five

SMR Stephanotis page six

SMR Stephanotis page seven

SMR Stephanotis page eight

SMR Stephanotis page nine

SMR Stephanotis page ten

SMR Stephanotis page eleven

SMR Stephanotis page twelve

SMR Stephanotis page fourteen

SMR Stephanotis page fifteen

SMR Stephanotis page sixteen

SMR Stephanotis page seventeen

SMR Stephanotis page eighteen

SMR Stephanotis page nineteen

SMR Stephanotis page twenty

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-one

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-two

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-three

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-four

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-five

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-Six

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-seven

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-eight

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-nine

SMR Stephanotis page thirty

SMR Stephanotis page thirty-one
