



Fun With Stephanotis From SMR

(page 17)


The folks at SMR not only produce outstanding stephanotis, but also gardenias as well.

Our students in recent classes have enjoyed playing with these terrific gardenias.

Gardenias have long been admired as a prestige wedding flower. These incredible gardenias have a wonderful fragrance.........Mmmmmmmmm. We can't make web pages with scent so let me smell these for you!

Yes. They have a wonderful fragrance, and this at a time when so many of our flowers have lost that capacity.

I have very fond feelings about gardenias. When my parents started to date, my Dad brought gardenias to my Mom all the time. Obviously she must have liked them ( and Dad!)

Let's play with them a little!



SMR Stephanotis page one

SMR Stephanotis page two

SMR Stephanotis page three

SMR Stephanotis page four

SMR Stephanotis page five

SMR Stephanotis page six

SMR Stephanotis page seven

SMR Stephanotis page eight

SMR Stephanotis page nine

SMR Stephanotis page ten

SMR Stephanotis page eleven

SMR Stephanotis page twelve

SMR Stephanotis page fourteen

SMR Stephanotis page fifteen

SMR Stephanotis page sixteen

SMR Stephanotis page seventeen

SMR Stephanotis page eighteen

SMR Stephanotis page nineteen

SMR Stephanotis page twenty

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-one

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-two

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-three

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-four

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-five

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-Six

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-seven

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-eight

SMR Stephanotis page twenty-nine

SMR Stephanotis page thirty

SMR Stephanotis page thirty-one
